What our CLIENTS are saying...
"I continue to find the learnings there helpful, which is unusual, as my experience is that one attends these sessions (mainly in house) and the content slips from your mind immediately. I think the small group and the personal attention that this allowed made it so powerful. In fact, I have gained some confidence in difficult conversations."
“A model of teaching and learning that is reflective, supportive and powerful.”
“The workshop is an opportunity to reflect on challenging circumstances in a manner that we are often not able to do and don’t have the opportunity to do in our usual work environment…”
“I would describe the workshop as a coaching kind of activity that enables people with important issues to resolve to have an opportunity to discuss ideas and strategies for how to address them… Sharing others’ experiences in difficult situations gave many unique ideas in relation to not just solving the problem but also to cope with stressful situations.”
“The validation I received from participants and facilitators in relation to my strong emotions/reaction towards my tricky situation/conversation was helpful… A suggestion that perhaps I was taking too much personal responsibility for resolving this particular issue (this was a little confronting but not entirely surprising) made me aware of a pattern of behaviour.”