
We provide one on one coaching to executives wanting to develop awareness, improve their communication and increase personal effectiveness in their role at work. Our coaching model uses a systems and psychodynamics framework to identify blind spots, patterns of behaviour, and strengthen performance and capability. 

Our framework uses a systems and psychodynamic approach to develop understanding of the person, their environment, and their role, through the lens of:

- the influences of the environment

- the organisational purpose and structure including reporting structure and technical resources

- the individual’s role, authority, tasks and boundaries

- the team’s dynamics, and, 

- the individual’s background.


We work one on one and start with an 8 session contract, meeting monthly for 1.5 hrs per session, at your office or at a mutually agreed venue (our office is in Williamstown). We provide support between coaching sessions via email and telephone. Resources (such as reading articles) may be used in conjunction with the work we are doing.